Monthly Archives: August 2023

Trump Proposes A Ring Around The Collar

In a recent interview with Larry Kudlow, Donald J. Trump has proposed a 10% tariff on all goods and services produced by nonresident economic units which he calls “a ring around the collar”.

Trump has a chance to be reelected the President of the United States and it’s noteworthy not just because of that but because there is hardly anyone proposing the same. I think that the US balance of payments and hence its financial position is in an unsustainable path and it has to take such measures.

It is important to realise that Trump was using protectionist measures in his Presidency, he faced ridicule from supposed experts. But soon when Joe Biden became the President, Biden not only continued Trump’s policy but also did more to try to improve the US’s net international investment position.

But instead of acknowledging this, the expert class obviously has its narrative. It’s partly to do with the fact that they don’t want to acknowledge that they were wrong and the rest with the fact that they want to return to the old world order of free trade once the US presumably improves its economic/financial position.

Paul Krugman has a Twitter thread and an article in The New York Times on this. It’s a tribe defense, plus a plan to keep this as it is after a small change, with the assumption that it will succeed.