Monthly Archives: January 2014

Ben Bernanke On Effects Of Federal Reserve LSAP

In a speech at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Ben Bernanke defended the large-scale asset purchase program of the Federal Reserve (“QE”).

The text is available here and the video is here

Bernanke’s argument is that fiscal policy was tight but yet the U.S. had an economic recovery and unconventional monetary policy helped.

First he talks of headwinds:

Have these unconventional tools been effective? Skeptics have pointed out that the pace of recovery has been disappointingly slow, with inflation-adjusted GDP growth averaging only slightly higher than a 2 percent annual rate over the past few years and inflation below the Committee’s 2 percent longer-term target. However, as I will discuss, the recovery has faced powerful headwinds, suggesting that economic growth might well have been considerably weaker, or even negative, without substantial monetary policy support.

and then identifies tight fiscal policy by both the federal government and state and local governments as one of the headwinds.

I have discussed the factors that have held back the recovery, not only to better understand the recent past but also to think about the economy’s prospects. The encouraging news is that the headwinds I have mentioned may now be abating. Near-term fiscal policy at the federal level remains restrictive, but the degree of restraint on economic growth seems likely to lessen somewhat in 2014 and even more so in 2015; meanwhile, the budgetary situations of state and local governments have improved, reducing the need for further sharp cuts …

It is not easy to see if this is true but it is true that fiscal policy had been tight and Bernanke’s argument is interesting for further analysis.

Happy New Year 2014

Here’s wishing the readers a happy new year. May you (and I) have a prosperous year ahead and learn more about the shell game of economists!

Good time to talk briefly about time.

Joan Robinson was perhaps the best critic of neoclassical economics and she did this by attacking the very basic concepts of mainstream theory. In her essay Time In Economic Theory (1980, Ch 7 in What Are The Questions?: And Other Essays), page 87 in Section 1: ‘Logical Time’ she says:

In a properly specified stationary state, there is no distinction between any one day and any other. On a properly specified growth path, such as a von Neumann ray, exhibiting a particular pace of expansion of employment and of a specified stock of means of production, there is no movement forward and upward or backward and downward, except the movement of the reader’s eye along the curve.

Unfortunately, the great majority of models in the textbooks are not properly specified. Take, for instance, the familiar Marshallian cross of supply and demand curves showing an equilibrium point in the middle. At a price above the equilibrium level, offer exceeds demand, and below, demand exceeds offer.

Now we are told, if price at any moment is not at the equilibrium level, it will tend toward it. This means that historical events are introduced into a timeless picture. As Professor Samuelson kindly explained to me, ‘When a mathematician says “y rises as  x falls”, he is implying nothing about temporal sequences or anything different from “When x is low, y is high”.’ 

To move implies a temporal sequence. To fill in the story of a movement towards equilibrium, a complicated dynamic process must be specified and to specify a process that will actually reach equilibrium is by no means a simple matter.

[emphasis added]

A footnote refers to page 138 of the book – another essay quoting Samuelson:

[Samuelson]: I do not think that the real stumbling block has been the failure of a literary writer to understand that when a mathematician says, ‘rises as falls’, he is implying nothing about temporal sequences or anything different from ‘when is low, is high’.

Robinson’s response is:

My dear sir! That is my point. I really cannot allow you to get away with that.

Unfortunately, economists keep getting away from this.

Joan Robinson - What Are The Questions And Other Essays Back CoverBack cover of What Are The Questions? …  And Other Essays